Experts in agriculture and technology, building agtech startups.

Our Venture Studio helps researchers, innovators, and entrepreneurs get new agtech products and services into the hands of farmers.

Applications for the Drought Challenge are now open
until 12 July 2024.

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Turn your research into a drought resilience startup

With funding from the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund, our current focus is to improve the drought-resilience of Australian farmers.


Solve the biggest drought-related challenges facing farmers.

1-1 Venture Builder Support

Dedicated support from expert company builders and ex-founders.

Meet future customers and investors 

Tap into a community of farmers, investors, and agrifood companies.

Up to $250k paid support 

Funding new innovators to launch startups at the earliest stage.

Non-dilutive for founders

Our program does not take any equity in new startups.

Find your Co-Founder

Be matched with an experienced, paid Co-Founder for commercialisation and launch.

Want to learn more about the Drought Venture Studio?

This 30 minute webinar recording covers:

  • The Venture Studio model.

  • Our methodology for building ventures.

  • Who we are looking for as innovators for this first cohort.

Drought and climate change threaten the global food system.

As the driest inhabitable continent, Australia can lead the world in drought innovation.


Become a Drought Resilience Partner

Are you a primary producer needing new drought solutions? 

Working in corporate agribusiness and looking to shape new agtech innovation?

Or an investor seeking opportunities in agriculture, drought, or climate resilience?

Get in touch to learn more.